Newskin Newsletter 11

Whether for steel, ceramics, polymers, water technologies, or glass, read on to discover the potential of NewSkin OITB to help accelerate your novel high-performance nano-surface, nano-coating and/or membrane technologies from lab to pilot scale to market!

In this newsletter, catch up on the latest EU-funded NewSkin Open Innovation Test Bed (OITB) project news: NewSkin Final Events Series, an article on related EU funding opportunities for 2025 (targeting fields such as new materials and advanced coatings and suggesting how EU funded Open Innovation Test Beds fit), the use of NewSkin OITB facilities by partners, open call beneficiaries and other industry, SMEs, research labs, and startups to progress show-cases, open call demo-cases, and contracts; and how others could also benefit from accessing our state-of-the-art services – to uptake technology accelerated through NewSkin and/or to design, prototype, upscale for mass production, evaluate and/or gain route-to-market supports for novel high-performance nano-surface, nano-coating and membrane technologies.

Read the newsletter here.

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Newskin Newsletter 10

Whether for steel, ceramics, polymers, water technologies, or glass, read on to discover the potential of NewSkin OITB to help accelerate your novel high-performance nano-surface, nano-coating and/or membrane technologies from lab to pilot scale to market!

In this newsletter, catch up on the latest EU-funded NewSkin Open Innovation Test Bed (OITB) project news: NewSkin participation in FARETE 2024, EUROMEMBRANE 2024, Micro&Nano 2024, CSLab 2024, the use of NewSkin OITB facilities by partners, open call beneficiaries and other industry, SMEs, research labs, and startups to progress show-cases, open call demo-cases, and contracts; and how others could also benefit from accessing our state-of-the-art services – to uptake technology accelerated through NewSkin and/or to design, prototype, upscale for mass production, evaluate and/or gain route-to-market supports for novel high-performance nano-surface, nano-coating and membrane technologies.

Read the newsletter here.

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Newskin Newsletter 9

Whether for steel, ceramics, polymers, water technologies, or glass, read on to discover the potential of NewSkin OITB to help accelerate your novel high-performance nano-surface, nano-coating and/or membrane technologies from lab to pilot scale to market!

In this newsletter, catch up on the latest EU-funded NewSkin Open Innovation Test Bed (OITB) project news: NewSkin solutions for the aquaculture and for the water sector. NewSkin upcoming participation in FARETE 2024, the use of NewSkin OITB facilities by partners, open call beneficiaries and other industry, SMEs, research labs, and startups to progress show-cases, open call demo-cases, and contracts; and how others could also benefit from accessing our state-of-the-art services – to uptake technology accelerated through NewSkin and/or to design, prototype, upscale for mass production, evaluate and/or gain route-to-market supports for novel high-performance nano-surface, nano-coating and membrane technologies.

Read the newsletter here.

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Newskin Newsletter 8

Whether for steel, ceramics, polymers, water technologies, or glass, read on to discover the potential of NewSkin OITB to help accelerate your novel high-performance nano-surface, nano-coating and/or membrane technologies from lab to pilot scale to market!

In this newsletter, catch up on the latest EU-funded NewSkin Open Innovation Test Bed (OITB) project news: NewSkin upcoming participation in upcoming events including FARETE 2024, the use of NewSkin OITB facilities by partners, open call beneficiaries and other industry, SMEs, research labs, and startups to progress show-cases, open call demo-cases, and contracts; and how others could also benefit from accessing our state-of-the-art services – to uptake technology accelerated through NewSkin and/or to design, prototype, characterise, upscale for mass production, evaluate and/or gain route-to-market supports for novel high-performance nano-surface, nano-coating and membrane technologies.

Read the newsletter here.

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Newskin Newsletter 7

Whether for steel, ceramics, polymers, water technologies, or glass, read on to discover the potential of NewSkin OITB to help accelerate your novel high-performance nano-surface, nano-coating and/or membrane technologies from lab to pilot scale to market!

In this newsletter, catch up on the latest EU-funded NewSkin Open Innovation Test Bed (OITB) project news: NewSkin participation in INDtech2024 and satellite OITB workshop (a collaboration among the OITBs to improve ease of access for facility/service users), the use of NewSkin OITB facilities by partners and open call beneficiaries to create initial showcases and demo-cases; and how industry, SMEs, research labs, and startups could also benefit from accessing our state-of-the-art services – to uptake technology accelerated through NewSkin and/or to design, characterise, upscale for mass production, evaluate and/or gain route-to-market supports for novel high-performance nano-surface, nano-coating and membrane technologies.

Read the newsletter here.

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Newskin Newsletter 6

Welcome to this NewSkin Project newsletter. Catch up on the latest project developments, the creation of the OITB facilities, and how you can gain fee access to NewSkin OITB upscaling and testing facilities.

Read the newsletter here.

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NewSkin Water Days 2024

Participants were invited to join EU-funded NewSkin Open Innovation Test Bed and their growing network to:
- Discover NewSkin Water Related technologies and services
- Explore a variety of NewSkin facilities and accelerated technologies and market applications, such as: Nano-carbon on polymer technology; texturing and functionalisation of filtration membranes for improved anti-fouling resistance and selectivity; texturing and coating of water treatment equipment components for improved performance; components in maritime engines and centrifugal pumps - propeller and nozzle systems; characterisation and prototype performance testing – replicating real industrial and operation environment conditions; continuous production of graphene, CNT, graphene oxide and other nano-particles membranes
- Meet the team to discuss how we can tailor NewSkin services to your needs,
- Exchange with SMEs who have already participated in the NewSkin Open Calls.

More information on the event is available here.

The video is available here.


Newskin Newsletter 5

Welcome to this NewSkin Project newsletter. Catch up on the latest project developments, the creation of the OITB facilities, and how you can gain fee access to NewSkin OITB upscaling and testing facilities.

Read the newsletter here.

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NewSkin OITB Open Call 4 - Extended deadline.

The NewSkin 4th and final Open Call is open to non-consortium academic partners, SMEs, startups and industry. We can provide up to €60K (possibly higher in consortium projects) in nano-enabled surfaces and membranes market acceleration services funded entirely by H2020 NewSkin project with no financial contribution necessary from you (your benefit).

The deadline for applications for the fourth open call has been extended to 7 July 2023, but don't wait until the last minute to apply for this last call.

Please contact the team on to make an initial enquiry today, and/or to discuss the services for your potential application. Once you have discussed your access needs with the team, sign up here to the NewSkin platform and complete the short online application form. Applicants can request an NDA before filling the open call application - please email to arrange this.

More information is available here.

[EC disclaimer] This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 862100 (NewSkin). The output reflects the views only of the author(s), and the European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

HIGHLIGHTS | NewSkin Days - 25 & 26 April 2023 in Bordeaux (France)

The NewSkin Days 2023 event was held in La Grande Poste in Bordeaux in the last week of April 2023! It was an active 2-day programme, packed with a mix of networking breaks and technical sessions with 80 participants.

A range of sessions highlighted NewSkin facilities, showcases, open calls, and resulting demo-cases and introduced some other related Open Innovation Test Bed facilities, with long coffee and lunch breaks to allow ample time for further discussion and networking.NewSkin Days explored a variety of NewSkin Open Innovation Test Bed (OITB) accelerated technologies and market applications, such as: Friction, wear and vibrations reduction; Mass production of textures and coatings; Nano-safe facilities for nano-coatings; Scale-up/testing gas/water membranes; Functional layers: textures and coatings. The NewSkin OITB team and facility users together shared success stories with the audience, highlighting the opportunities for SMEs, Start-ups, research labs and industry to take advantage of these 10 upscaling and 9 testing NewSkin facilities, and route to market services.

More information on the event is available here and the after movie here.


Newskin Newsletter 4

Welcome to this NewSkin Project newsletter. Catch up on the latest project developments, the creation of the OITB facilities, and how you can gain fee access to NewSkin OITB upscaling and testing facilities.

Read the newsletter here.

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Newskin Newsletter 3

Welcome to this NewSkin Project newsletter. Catch up on the latest project developments, the creation of the OITB facilities, and how you can gain fee access to NewSkin OITB upscaling and testing facilities.

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Applications for free access to nano-surface and membrane up-scaling and test facilities are now closed.

The NewSkin Open Innovation Test Bed had opened its second call for access to nano-surface and membrane up-scaling and test facilities.

The EU-funded project is offering unique pilot scale prototyping, upscaling, and testing facilities as well as route to market services and access to investors in the nano-surface and membrane materials and technology sectors across Europe.

End-users, producers, and developers (including research labs, start-ups, and SMEs) in the following fields are encouraged to explore NewSkin facilities and services, and apply for free open access:

  • Nano-enabled coatings and nanoparticles for corrosion protective coatings, barrier, photocatalytic, heat reflective, intumescent, tribological, EMI shielding, conductive and other applications.
  • Functional nano-textures and surfaces for sustainable construction, energy storage, corrosion, ice, fouling, microbial and wear protection, tribological, heat transfer, optical, electrical, and biocompatible applications.
  • Components working in dynamic conditions under wear, friction, vibrations, and corrosion including cryogenic, vacuum, and high temperature such as gears, shafts, dynamic seals.
  • Components exposed to harsh environments such as offshore structural elements, wind blades, wings, turbine blades, marine hulls, propellers, pumps, and other components.
  • Selective and anti-fouling membranes and mono-atomic graphene membranes: Scale-up and test facilities for gas/water permeation media: improved selectivity, anti-fouling, anti-microbial, mono-atomic graphene membranes, graphene oxide including pore and functional layer creation.
  • Miscellaneous functional layers: textures and coatings to enhance different products including, optical, medical, electronics, heat exchange, barrier for sustainable packaging and other functional applications.

Nano-enabled surfaces and membranes have huge potential to increase the performance of materials used in many sectors, including renewable energy, electronics, construction, transport, prosthesis, water treatment and industrial components. These Key Enabling Technologies will be the driving force behind many of the goods and services that will be available to the market over the next decade. The main challenge is sustainable, cost-effective upscaling and deployment of these nanotechnologies, which would lead to more wide-spread adoption, reduced energy consumption, and economic gains throughout Europe. The NewSkin services offered are expected to accelerate the launch of novel nanomaterials and membranes, and commercial or personal products using these advanced materials. Advancing the performance and durability of materials will enhance many components including green technologies, addressing several Sustainable Development Goals and leading to positive impacts for society overall.

The deadline for applications was 29 July 2022. Check the NewSkin facilities overview presentation and visit for more details on the services available.

To apply, it was possible to make an initial enquiry with the team on to discuss tailoring the services for your potential application. Next, sign up here to the NewSkin platform and complete the short online application form. Applicants could request an NDA before completing the open call application - please include this in your initial enquiry.

[EC disclaimer] This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 862100 (NewSkin). The output reflects the views only of the author(s), and the European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Newskin Newsletter 2

Welcome to this NewSkin Project newsletter. Catch up on the latest project developments, the creation of the OITB facilities, and how you can gain fee access to NewSkin OITB upscaling and testing facilities.

Read the newsletter here.

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Open Calls calendar is published!

From 2022 to 2024 the NewSkin project will launch 4 open calls to develop use cases with external partners such as SMEs or researchers.

The calendar is available here.

Newskin Newsletter 1

Welcome to this first newsletter and introduction for the H2020-funded project, NewSkin. Please visit our website and follow @NewSkinOITB on Twitter for the latest project updates.

Read the newsletter here.

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Project kick-off meeting

The kick-off meeting of the Newskin project could not take place physically due to the COVID19 crisis. Instead, two 4-hour teleconferences were held on 21 and 22 April 2020, gathering some 80 project partner colleagues!

The meeting was a fruitful opportunity for each partner to introduce themselves, their competences and their roles in the project.

The meeting programme is available here.